Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 18, 19, 20, 21ish and some excuses...

So if day 17 was July 30, then July 31 I cut my finger. Broke a pint glass and jammed it in my thumb just for fun. Not fun really, jammed it at the same time but couldn't pop it due to the gaping wound that showed the inner workings of the thumb. Blahh. It will now pop every time I bend it seems. It's sad that's its been that long (20 something days) since I did this, but I didn't stop eating right. I might have drank a little more, but that was a for a wedding! Drank a lot more. I haven't consumed that much alcohol since college - early, rush-time college. It's fun sometimes. I digress...and then bother to type an ellipsis, today, August 21 will be considered day 21. This doesn't make sense, but is does make sense. Three days (Day 18) ago I started back with Chest and Back and Abs. Not gonna lie, not gonna lie at all, it sucked. It sucked a lot. I didn't finish either, but if you consider not being able to do more exhaustion then I kinda succeeded. I felt it the next day - I did feel the difference in my abs from not finishing the whole ridiculous routine. Each one has a job - some parts didn't get it. Day 19 was Plyometrics. That was a good ass kicking too, honestly. I came ready for it and didn't finish that either, once again, I...exhausted. Anyway. I see now that is still a pattern. Day 20, Shoulders, Arms, Abs. Everything was going well to begin with, running on not enough food and bailed with just enough energy to do 70% of the abs (realizing further, now writing this that I have yet to finish anything and that sucks). Day 21 is still early and I will complete Yoga X and calmly exhale the tension that doesn't exist.
