Monday, November 23, 2009

This is ridiculous.

I do not think I have completed one full week of this program. I have made progress, no doubt about that, but I did not succeed in p90-xing myself the first time out of the box. I started over last Monday and got sick Friday, been sick since. It'll happen, but for now I just do a few push-ups to remind myself I can. And take tons of Sudafed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Who-knows...

Well, true to form, I have not followed the timing of this program. Not to worry - I don't have any competitions for body building in the next few months so I can catch up. Food isn't so much the issue. Sour Patch Kids are kind of an issue. I haven't made huge progress in the last month of "alone-training" but I do feel like I have kept up strength and toned a little more. Clothes are continuously fitting differently - for the better.
Today I started back with Cardio-X. I have never done this one before, it's the first of the two-a-day program throughout days 31-90. Cardio/Weights three times a week. Well, today I only did the cardio. Got a lot done around the house and got a good workout in. I hope to keep off the illness that has infected my two roommates. Enchiladas cure everything. And, yes it's not the best for you but portioned well it's ok, Mexican sour cream is going on everything I ever eat ever again. Portion, what?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 18, 19, 20, 21ish and some excuses...

So if day 17 was July 30, then July 31 I cut my finger. Broke a pint glass and jammed it in my thumb just for fun. Not fun really, jammed it at the same time but couldn't pop it due to the gaping wound that showed the inner workings of the thumb. Blahh. It will now pop every time I bend it seems. It's sad that's its been that long (20 something days) since I did this, but I didn't stop eating right. I might have drank a little more, but that was a for a wedding! Drank a lot more. I haven't consumed that much alcohol since college - early, rush-time college. It's fun sometimes. I digress...and then bother to type an ellipsis, today, August 21 will be considered day 21. This doesn't make sense, but is does make sense. Three days (Day 18) ago I started back with Chest and Back and Abs. Not gonna lie, not gonna lie at all, it sucked. It sucked a lot. I didn't finish either, but if you consider not being able to do more exhaustion then I kinda succeeded. I felt it the next day - I did feel the difference in my abs from not finishing the whole ridiculous routine. Each one has a job - some parts didn't get it. Day 19 was Plyometrics. That was a good ass kicking too, honestly. I came ready for it and didn't finish that either, once again, I...exhausted. Anyway. I see now that is still a pattern. Day 20, Shoulders, Arms, Abs. Everything was going well to begin with, running on not enough food and bailed with just enough energy to do 70% of the abs (realizing further, now writing this that I have yet to finish anything and that sucks). Day 21 is still early and I will complete Yoga X and calmly exhale the tension that doesn't exist.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 15, 16, 17...

So day 15 - half way through phase I!! Shoulders and arms, followed by abs. I have done these consecutively to try and make up for the lack of momentum last week and to get my mind back in the right place. I did S&A full out, didn't remove weights from the dumbbells and kicked butt. I felt good and sore the next day (16) for Yoga X (at midnight, but whatever) and it felt good. All of the balancing postures got tricky but I tried them all! I can feel that each workout helps the other. Plyo helps in yoga, Chest and Back is essential for yoga. It is the toughest part of the program (spare the basics like push-ups and stupid, stupid pull-ups). Reps, schmeps. Yoga is for cool people.
Day 17 - Legs and Back. Back to the pull-up bar. I hate that thing. It helped motivate me when I noticed I could do a few more and then a few more, but the different hand positions and the constant movement is a pain. Physically - it's a pain. I got 60% of this one and will do abs later tonight or tomorrow morning. Got a program, almost got the routine. 73 more days.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 14 - Plyometrics

Did the Ab Ripper X routine two nights ago and then got the nerve to try Plyo again. Jesus. This may be the hardest workout in the world. Jumping, jumping, jumping. Over and over. I got further through, almost to the last series of exercises, before I started stretching and cooling down. I wouldn't have gotten that far if Delbert wasn't there doing the same thing. If he would have said stop at any time I wouldn't have argued. That's my problem. Quit too easy. Now on to the beach because it's a brothers-Chumley day off.

This is actually day 21 of the program but I am only counting days that I actually worked out since day one.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 12 - Kenpo (late again), Day 13

I have not been keeping up on the workouts as well as I should. It's hard. I knew that, I told myself before hand that I wasn't going to quit and I'm not, but damn. Yoga was a good surprise and I felt good "finishing" it, I knew Kenpo was easy enough because I had finished it the week before but I felt this one a lot more. Getting the motions, the sequences, and the muscle control down and it starts to feel like I could actually kick some one's ass should I need to uppercut them.
Usually Kenpo is followed with a day of stretching or rest but I definitely didn't earn that this week so I went straight to the next weeks workouts, Chest and Back. So I find the set-up easier, the initial completion easy but when I get to failure I am d-o-n-e. It is a fast paced workout that doesn't leave a lot of time for you to slow down, which I know is the point, so I keep moving and then I feel like I'm going to die. Still trying to figure out where my breaking point actually is and stopping before I get there. Abs come today too but, like I said last time, maybe after work.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 11 - Yoga (two days late)

The last two days I've been in a funk and had no desire to workout. I'm snapping out of it. I had that great workout Thursday and when I realized that I forgot to do Abs I felt a much lesser sense of achievement after the fact. Last week Yoga was a "quitters disc" and that didn't help motivate me, although it should have! I got up, ate a little bit and waited for the motivation to hit. It hits.
I press play and here we go again. T-Horton tells you at the beginning that this is no resting day and that you will be twisted and challenged. When you see that the timer starts counting down from and hour and a half (the longest running disc so far) I can't imagine doing any more vinyasas after forty minutes. There is variation but you hit the same rotation and I was about to lose it and yell at the TV that it is ridiculous to do this over and over and over again and's over. It's over. The title "Last Vinyasa" pops up with 46 minutes left and I think, "This man is an ass hole that has created a harder variation of this damn vinyasa series that will be the last one I will be able to do, maybe because this is where I would go crazy", but it was in fact the last one of the workout and then the last 45 minutes are balancing poses. I quit before this last week thinking, NO, no, no, I can't keep going. He knew that! Granted I am not near Crane many of the other crazy balancing poses but it wasn't a vinyasa and that was great.
I quit too easily. I'm learning that a little more and more.
