I have watched P90X infomercials for over a year knowing that I wanted to get in shape, I wanted to lose fat, I wanted to feel better and I knew that buying this 90 day program would do that. Well, sort of. I figured I could do it for 90 days and quit, that was my mindset, do what the title says, achieve, then quit. After trying to download the program for free, crashing my computer, losing the entire hard drive without having set my eyes on the first video I thought that this short cut idea wasn't very wise and that if I really wanted to do it, thought I could do it, I would spend the money to buy it.
I spent the last three months working my way from inactivity to slightly above average activity, changing the way I thought about food, changing the way I thought about exercise and how it made me feel and then took the dive and bought P90X. In four days, it was on the doorstep - then I got scared. The box was smaller than I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be huge - "Look at me!! I'm a big box full of exercise motivation" but it was a pretty small box just large enough for the Program workbook, Diet book and the DVD set. Regardless of it's size, it was here, in the living room, waiting to be used. I took the pictures, did the fit test, wrote it down and waited for tomorrow because that's what I do best.
"Don't say 'I can't', say 'I presently struggle with'."
July 5, 2009 Day 1
My twenty-sixth birthday, my beginning of P90X, beginning of my "body transformation". I've made the decision to change what I eat, how I cook, what I crave and why I crave it. Now, I am choosing to start a 90 day program to start changing my body and my way of thinking about working out. Here we go. Day 1, "Chest & Back" followed by "Ab Ripper X". I knew that I was going to have to do push-ups and chin-ups in this program so I had been trying to work up to a reasonable level of each. It helped, but there are a thousand ways to do each apparently. 47 minutes of near constant back-and-forth, push-ups, military push-ups, diamond push-ups, chin-ups seven ways...I was shocked, accepting, nervous, and excited. I made it through 37 of those 47 minutes and then waited for a while before the Ab workout. Del, Lilly, and I did the 16 "Ab Ripper X" and laughed at each other the whole time. What the hell was Tony Horton thinking when he put this shit together?!? Not insane, but certifiably crazy. We all felt that one big time. I knew that day 2 would be a little less impact, a little easier. Fast forward past a birthday hangover...
July 7, 2009 Day 2
Plyometrics. Jumping. Spinning. Squatting. All of those at the same time. Do it in reverse, drink a tiny, tiny bit of water and do these other workouts. Constant movement. "Easier" I thought it was going to be, "less impact" I told myself. What an idiot. My brother went through the whole routine hardly stopping. I probably was able to go about 60%, maybe 50%. I had no energy! I'm trying to get my eating schedule in tune with sleep and workouts and I think that's why I had such a hard time. Next time get some oatmeal in and not just coffee and that'll help out. That wobbly feeling that you get after a really challenging workout is a less familiar feeling to me but it's a constant reminder that I did something and that tomorrow is planned out for me and all I have to do is put in the disc and actively participate. New pain, new soreness, new gains. Tomorrow is "Shoulders & Arms" and the Ab disc again. It's not easy but it's awesome.
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