Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 15, 16, 17...

So day 15 - half way through phase I!! Shoulders and arms, followed by abs. I have done these consecutively to try and make up for the lack of momentum last week and to get my mind back in the right place. I did S&A full out, didn't remove weights from the dumbbells and kicked butt. I felt good and sore the next day (16) for Yoga X (at midnight, but whatever) and it felt good. All of the balancing postures got tricky but I tried them all! I can feel that each workout helps the other. Plyo helps in yoga, Chest and Back is essential for yoga. It is the toughest part of the program (spare the basics like push-ups and stupid, stupid pull-ups). Reps, schmeps. Yoga is for cool people.
Day 17 - Legs and Back. Back to the pull-up bar. I hate that thing. It helped motivate me when I noticed I could do a few more and then a few more, but the different hand positions and the constant movement is a pain. Physically - it's a pain. I got 60% of this one and will do abs later tonight or tomorrow morning. Got a program, almost got the routine. 73 more days.

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